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Replacement of the door latch springs on Frigidaire microwave ovens

Replacement of the door latch springs on Frigidaire microwave ovens
This article provides detailed repair instructions for replacing a door latch spring in a Frigidaire electric microwave oven. If the door is not closed, you most likely need to replace this part. All the information can be applied to Frigidaire.

Steps Instructions

For this process, you will require Phillips-head pliers, a putty or cloth knife, an oversized flat-head plier, and needlenose pliers. Remember to unplug power cords or power supplies. Use a Philips-head Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screws holding the front ventilation. The vent can be removed with a putty knife. The vent can be removed, and the door lifted. Lay it on a blanket or towel.

Use a putty knife to detach the inner door trim. Remove the four screws holding the inner-door assembly. You can use a large flat-head screwdriver to help separate the inner door assembly and the outer door panel. Use needle-nosed scissors to remove the door latch spring if intact. Install the replacement door latch spring. Hook it to the inner assembly door and lock it. Realign and snap into position the inner door assembly. Rethread your screws. Alignment and snapping in trim are required. Reinstalling the door assembly requires inserting the pivot pins into holes in the hinges. Reinstall the front vent, aligning the top edge and pressing down the bottom edge. The screws must be tightened by threading. Reconnect or restore power by plugging the power cord. Congratulations!


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Replacement of the door latch springs on Frigidaire microwave ovens
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